Go to International Trade and Legal Aspects
International Trade and Legal Aspects
According to law, a contract has an international reach when it involves the interests of international trade, i.e. any business transaction involving.
Go to International Judicial Law
International Judicial Law
When there is an international element in a civil, criminal or administrative trial (in the broad sense, including the independent administrative authorities)…
Go to Law of the Sea and Landlocked States
Law of the Sea and Landlocked States
The law of offshore activities relates primarily to the maritime law and the law of the sea. Maritime law is the law of matters, activities and events related to the sea…
Go to International Economy
International Economy
This course will begin with referencing rules and notions common to economics courses. The specifics of international trade and dispute resolution.
Go to International Finance
International Finance
Finance is a branch of economics that deals with the management of money.
International finance studies capital flow between countries.
This field of finance can be divided into two branches of study: international economics (which takes into account the exchange rate…
Go to Operation of International Organizations
Operation of International Organizations
One of the most striking aspects of contemporary international relations is the growing role played by international organizations in the cooperation established between countries to address common problems…
Go to Geopolitics and International Strategy
Geopolitics and International Strategy
Geopolitics studies, according to a traditional definition, is the impact of geography on the relations between states and between major economic interests and….
Go to History of Political Ideas
History of Political Ideas
The study of any social science is impossible without an understanding of the historical evolution of the subject. The political institutions and systems of political behavior which we observe today are a result of evolution of centuries. A political theorist needs to study history to understand this evolution…
"Etablissement d'Enseignement Supérieur Privé non subsidié et non reconnu par la Communauté Française de Belgique"
"Accrédité par l'Université Catholique de Murcia"
Avec Son Excellence Madame la Ministre du Genre et de la famille Cour d’Appel de Kinshasa Avec le Premier Président de la Cour de Cassation de la République Démocratique du Congo
Du 13 au 18 mai 2022, séminaire sur les projets et financements européens en République Démocratique du Congo. En compagnie de Son Excellence Monsieur le Procureur Général près le Conseild’Etat.
Le Conseil d’Etat de la République Démocratique du Congo en séminaire de formation à l’Institut Vasco da Gama.
On November 16, 2020 Vasco da Gama received the double accreditation from the Universidad Catolica de Murcia (UCAM) for the programs of International Relations and European Studies and Human Rights. Le 16 novembre 2020, Vasco da Gama a reçu pour les programmes de Relations Internationales, Etudes Européennes et Droits de l’Homme la double accréditation de Read more about double accreditation with UCAM[…]
The Vasco Da Gama English course system (VDG system for short) is based on the Cambridge English Test Level (YLE and MSE), Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and China’s Standards of English Language Ability(CSE), as an independently developed English language learning system by Vasco Da Gama European Institute of Diplomacy and International Read more about EIDIR offers now online English courses for students worldwide[…]
Vasco Da Gama European Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations opens its online classes today. Our online curriculum covers multilingual courses, preparatory courses for Bachelors, Master’s courses, Doctoral courses, Major Electives, workshop of diplomatic practical skills, etc.. These online courses are open for global enrollment. All students studying at our Online courses have the same Read more about EIDIR Online Courses open to register ![…]
Monsieur Dieudonné KANYAMA MBAYABU, Avocat Général près le Conseil d’État, présentera prochainement sa thèse de doctorat : ” Les relations commerciales sino-congolaises dans la perspective d’un siècle appelé Chinafrique: bilan d’une ambition prétendument win-win.”
Madame Gisèle NDAYA LUSEBA, Graduée en théologie, Master en Management de Gestion des Partis Politiques, Présidente Nationale du FLVP, présentera prochainement sa thèse de doctorat :”Le rôle de la femme au sein des institutions politiques en République démocratique du Congo : utopie ou réalité ?”
On October 22, 2019, President Jean-Marc De Greef of Vasco Da Gama European Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations visited Open University Hanoi in Vietnam. The two sides discussed about and reached initial agreement on the cooperation in exchange programs for students of online education, commercial law and international law .